CVE Scotland

CVE Scotland

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Supporting school staff, chaplains and families to communicate the Christian faith, so that children and young people can make informed choices about beliefs and values.

This website is a one-stop shop with resources for lessons and assemblies, case studies, detailed advice and links to numerous other websites that support schools work. We run courses and events throughout Scotland, providing training, information and networking for teachers, schools workers, chaplains, parents and volunteers.

What people say about the work we do…

“Encouragement about sharing our faith confidently with schools”

“A new sense of purpose and lots of new ideas and approaches”

May 2017 JUMP conference CVE seminar

“Inspiration and encouragement on being a Christian in the workplace”

“Encouragement that the law gives Christians the right to be open about opinions/beliefs

June 2018 Joint dinner with SU Scotland, Edinburgh

“Challenges, questions, possibilities, attitudes and values of TfR in the local contexts. It was really worth it to participate. Thank you!”

Oct/Nov 2018 School Chaplaincy project event

“Reminder of God’s perspective of our children, schools and place of work”

“Good to be with local colleagues and feeling supported together”

Jan 2019 Dinner and speaker with teachers, Glasgow

“The CVE Scotland website is a fantastic platform for sharing resources, getting relevant advice on a wide variety of education themes, and for networking with education professionals and volunteers.”

Phil Togwell Director, Prayer Spaces in Schools

“It is crucial that the Christian community show the relevance of faith within an educational context. We need to share our story with creativity, confidence and grace, showing its impact upon a wide range of educational themes. That is why I am privileged to recommend the work of CVE. They are playing a significant role in building confidence in our faith in a next generation. ”

Dr Fred Drummond National Director, Evangelical Alliance Scotland.

“With much of Scotland’s educational framework being founded on healthy, positive Christian values, SU Scotland is fully behind the important role that Christian Values in Education Scotland fulfils in helping celebrate our rich shared heritage, grow confidence and provide resources to support teachers and others working in schools.” Robin MacLellan, CEO, SU Scotland ”

Andy Bathgate CEO, Scripture Union.

““CVE do a fantastic job helping equip those working with young people, so that they can better understand and share about faith at school.” Andy Bannister, Director, SOLAS-CPC ”

Andy Bannister Director, SOLAS-CPC

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Pray for all those involved in making decisions for education in Scotland, and for all those who work in schools.

Pray for CVE Scotland’s events which support school staff and school workers, and for the chaplaincy training events happening across the country.

Praise God for the support and resources available to support young people’s health and wellbeing and pray pupils have good physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Pray for churches and schools workers to be actively supporting and partnering with their schools.

Prayer Calendar
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Key Resource Providers

Scottish Catholic Education Service, SCES - Christian Values in Education, CVE Scotland
SOLAS CPC, Christian Values in Education, CVE Scotland
Youth for Christ - Christian Values in Education, CVE Scotland
Scripture Union Scotland, Christian Values in Education, CVE Scotland
Serve Your Local School, Christian Values in Education, CVE Scotland
POP UK, Christian Values in Education, CVE Scotland
Abernethy Trust, Christian Values in Education, CVE Scotland
Compass Christian Centre, Christian Values in Education, CVE Scotland
Evangelical Alliance, Christian Values in Education, CVE Scotland
Must Know Bible Stories, Christian Values in Education, CVE Scotland
Prayer Spaces in Schools, Christian Values in Education, CVE Scotland
Grasping the Nettle, Christian Values in Education, CVE Scotland